Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 13: Launch Day Dynamics

Travel can wreak havoc on the best plans in the world. It has certainly done a job on my efforts to plan out my business. That doesn't mean I haven't done work on it over the past 3 days, but it does mean I haven't had a chance to post the work that I've done.  I will tell you that we have secured our hosting. It is being set up as we speak, and it should be live by tomorrow. That means I can begin to work on implementing all the fabulous things I am learning ASAP.

Launch Day

You are how you market: Consider what matters to you and how you want to be known.  The success of your launch depends largely on the structure of your offer: how you make it, what it includes, and how long it lasts.

Goal: Create a reasoned, sensible, appropriate launch based on integrity

Keys to Launching

1. Announce product launch via email, social network, blog & other relevant platforms
2. Remember that things are unlikely to unfold as planned. Plan what-if actions ahead of time.
3. Your live period of the launch lasts 3-7 days
4. Share new & exciting testimonials as they come

Launch Day Anticipation

Hopefully having expended the energy to generate awareness of your product or service, you have a long line of people eager to get the product you're about to offer them, so that email you sent is going to be eagerly anticipated. That doesn't mean that every person on the email list will buy the day you send. Have a system for keeping track of those that do and a plan in place for following up with those that don't.

 Hooking the Fence Sitters

48 hours after launch, send a special follow-up offer for those that haven't bought yet that gives something extra if they buy now. Those that have already bought will get a bonus they weren't expecting, which will make them happy, and those that were on the fence may become buyers.

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