Monday, September 15, 2014

Day 8: Describing my target client

Name: Camille (Cammy) Lawrence
Age: 36
Marital Status: Married with children
Number and ages of children: 9, 6, and 3
Religion: Catholic
Goal: To work from home
Motivation: To spend more time with her children and family
Conflict: She doesn't have a huge amount of money to invest
Epiphany: She has the talent for writing, and writing a book is a way to start a business with minimal investment
Story: Cammy discovers that she is expecting baby number 4, and suddenly her dream of working from home becomes a lot more urgent. She doesn't want to miss out on this baby's milestones the way she had to with the other three. However, the family needs her income so she can't afford to abandon her job without replacing the money.  She does some research on home based businesses, and decides that dusting off her minor in English literature and combining that with her major in Business Administration is probably the best way to go. She decides to write a book as her first product in a business she can run out of her home. She contacts me for her free consultation, we brainstorm ideas together, and she signs up for my class.  40 Days later she has the rough draft of her book in hand and we then work together to polish, edit, proof-read, put a cover on it, and publish it.

Cammy has been married for 12 years. She and her husband live in the suburbs. They own a 3 bedroom home and have 2 cats, a dog, and a hamster.  Cammy's faith is a huge part of her life, but it wasn't always. She'd like to be more active in her church, but her job demands curtail that possibility. She wants to help share the beauty of the Catholic faith with others. A tall, green-eyed brunette, she is friendly, outgoing, and usually has a big smile on her face. She tends to encourage the people around her and is the first to offer help to those she sees in need.

She is motivated and knows what she wants, but she's open to suggestions when she sees the merit of them. She lives an active life, is involved in her community, and is always reading, learning, and growing.  She is passionate about life and is a very vibrant, uplifting person to be around.  She's playful and fun-loving but intense in the pursuit of her passions.

What I like most about working with Cammy is that she and I can talk about the deeper things of life. We may not always agree on them, but we value each other's point of view. She understands that there is a benefit to collaborating with others on a project. She values my input and experience, but she's not interested in having me do the work for her. She's also not the kind of person to quit on a dream just because things get tough, or to make excuses for why she can't.  She'll ask for help when she really needs it, but she approaches her work with a "how can I" rather than "I don't think I can" attitude. Cammy's as much a friend as she is a client. We respect one another's gifts and talents and time.

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