One thing I did is revisit the graphics for our Creative Technology Services business. I'll post them here so you can see them. A cousin of mine has told me she's not entirely sold on the tagline as it is, but that can be changed. This is the logo. Nice, clean, and - I think, anyway, impactful.
The graphic actually was born out of a fabric design I had done for outdated technology. I revisited it and combined two pieces into one for a better effect. I like this logo. It really captures what we do very nicely, and it's simple enough that it wouldn't be lost if we monogrammed it on a shirt.
The next step was to redesign our Facebook header. I must say this took a bit of playing around to get right, but I'm actually very happy with where it ended up. It should speak to the intended audience about who we are and what we do at a glance, which was the goal.
The part about the tagline that my cousin wasn't entirely sold on was the fact that she couldn't figure out whether we were marketing our training and technology services for creative entrepreneurs or whether our focus was teaching them how to market. I think perhaps a change to business training and technology for creative entrepreneurs might clear up some of the confusion there. Fortunately, with Facebook it is possible to easily and quickly get the feedback you need to make those kinds of adjustments without having to spend a fortune on market research.
Creative Technology Services will be the parent company, with two divisions beneath it: 40 Day Writer and Infinite Possibility Games. I have yet to sit down with my husband and help him figure out his target audience and marketing scheme, but for 40 Day Writer I have already spent a lot of time thinking about this.
40 Day Writer is about helping writers "write the world a better place" with books, classes, and events that help them clarify their message, find the time they need to write it, get from chapter one to done, polish their manuscript, put together a perfect book cover, and get their book on the market so it can reach its intended audience.
We now have our hosting in place and are working on getting the websites up and running. I'll continue sharing what I'm learning and you can continue to view the works in progress.